Battery placement is LEFT / RIGHT / FRONT / BACK, launchers are in the same order L, R, F, B. Unless you know what your doing or want to end up hanging ten inside some celestial bodies floating about. DO NOT DO NOT change the Position, Orientation or Rotation. Make sure you only add Batteries where the ships hard points are normally. Next you pick what ship you will be using and the load-out of said ship, the amount of troops it has as well as the Hull Str and lastly the name of the ship ( you can do this in the game so if you don't like the name there's no need to get your panties all twisted). Reputation:đ50 <- Here you can edit your Rep. PerkPoint:Đ <- Here is where you can edit Perk Points SkillPoint:Đ <- Here you can add skill points I've hat it up to 1000 with no troubles Next near line 500 you will find where to edit you Skill and Perk Pointsas well as you Level and Rep.Įxperience:ē10 <- Adding to this will incress your level As always if you have trouble finding anything do a word search for it.Ĭredits : 15000 <-This is what you edit to change how much you have or have not

The numbers I put are only and idea on where to start. The line numbers are for ones who use notepad++ to gve you some idea of where to look however you make have to look 100+ lines below or above my numbers.
How to Edit Saves & there layout for StarPoint Gemini 2įirst thing to edit is how much Credits you have as well as skill points, Perk Points and the level of your reputation. First I sure hope this is the right place for dis lol never seem to get that right.